So, the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians book has been released. And it was awesome! Beware, there are many spoilers here, so be warned!
First Off, a recap. We last see Percy and Annabeth fall down to Tartarus and Percy telling Nico that he must get them to House of Hades, which houses the Doors of Death. Easy said, right?
So now the book has been divided into two major prospectives, alternating until they reunite. The first in Pecry and Annabeth, following their journey into Tartarus and finding the Doors of Death on their side. The second perspective is Leo, Jason, Frank, Nico, Hazel, Piper, and Coach Hedge aboard the Argo II, following their journey to get from Rome to the House of Hades, where the Doors of Death are in the mortal world.
Honestly, I like the Argo II's perspective more, since a lot of character developments has happened there. Sure, Percy and Annabeth learned a lot about about ancient mythology, but the only character development was
So it really sucks, meanwhile on the Argo II character development was abound! Frank, Piper, Hazel, Leo, and Nico has made some shocking character changes. Here's the list:
So there. Another book done, and I will wait for the last book next year. This book is worth a read, a lot of things happened, and a lot more to watch out for.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Top 5 Time Travel Devices
OK. I was hanging out at home when I realized I was itching to do another Top list and what else to list for except time travel devices! So off I go to my Top 5 Time Travel Devices. For the record, this is mine!
Time Traveled: 100 trillion years, to the end of time and space
Top 5: Time Travelling Delorean
Anyone who's ever watched Back to the Future will recognize this beauty. Created by Doc Brown, this time machine needs around 1.21 GW of power and a speed of around 88 miles an hour. The driving force of the movie series, the doctor also made a steam locomotive that can travel in time by the end of the third show.
Time Traveled: 60 years
Top 4: Time Machine
This should definitely get a mention here, since it is the grand-daddy of all time travel devices. Written by H.G. Wells, the book has created at least two movies, and has since been a favorite of mine. I like the sort of "steampunk" look, the limitations(it can only travel through time, not space), the throne like effect, I love it!
Time Traveled: 100 million years
Top 3: Time Turner
Who says time travel is only on the borders of science and technology? Even wizards can time travel, too! This locket-type device can bring you back in time depending on how many times you turn it. A bit ineffective, but hey! It's nifty enough to get you to take to subjects with the same time, so who cares?
Time Traveled: 1-2 days
Being a fan of Doctor Who, why would I not include this in a top 5 of time travel devices? Short for "TIME AND RELATIVE DIMENSION IN SPACE", this ancient blue box, which is bigger on the inside, has been one of the things that make Dr. Who a great show. It doesn't have conventional weaponry, but it is considered to be the most dangerous weapon in all the universe by many species. Why? Because it's bigger on the inside. Just let that sink in for a moment.Time Traveled: 100 trillion years, to the end of time and space
OK. So for the top one time travel device I had some considerations. Ease of use, convenience, design, and power. So what could it be?
Top 1: Vortex Manipulator
Okay you got me. So this thing is still from Dr. Who. But who cares? It's almost as powerful as the Tardis, and the doctor disabled the one owned Capt. Jack Harkness because it was considered "too dangerous for a being like him to have one." Doesn't that say something? Right now the signature travel device of Prof. Song, this thing is compact, easy to use, and very dangerous if in the wrong hands.
Time Traveled: 100 trillion years, back from the end of time and space
So there! My top 5 time travel devices. If you think something else should be in here, just comment and let me know!
Friday, September 20, 2013
IOS 7: Apple Androidified!
Yes, that's right people! Apple just took an all time low and almost copied android's system UI!
Go ahead, Apple fanboys. say it. SAY IT!!!!
Hey I got IOS7. Looks just like Android, but it's Apple so I'm sure its better.
In the first place, I didn't like Apple. Except for the iPod shuffle which I got as a gift, I had no Apple technology. Why should I? It's just a basic repackaging of something that was made by others. And it's not even good. The one thing that I think(I repeat, I THINK) that they made their own is the IOS. And now, even that is gone. Because they copied android's Jellybean UI. What I think about this piece of so-called "revolutionary" technology?

All on my android mobile, of course.
Thing is, I'm actually happy with what Apple did. Why? Because it validates Google's direction towards UI and functionality, and with this, we Android users can rejoice to the fact that Android is the BEST mobile OS around. And just because Apple copied off Android.
What I really want to see from Apple? Actual innovation. Not copying other company's technologies and slapping the word "revolutionary" or "world changing" to their ad campaigns while only changing the screen resolution or camera size or adding "panoramic photos". Seriously, its silly.
So I hope this is a wake-up call to Apple to take their "revolutionary" piece of bullshit and take it somewhere else. Because Google is blocking their road. Literally.
Kamen Rider Wizard: Finale!!! And Kamen Rider Gaim Expectations.
So, Kamen Rider Wizard ends, and on a high note, too! I loved the final episode, although it's not as good as I would have hoped it to be, it was great. This Kamen Rider has its highs and lows for me, which is good, but it sucks that Nitou lost his driver. He's such a great character.
Yup, I'm still not impressed. So what I would like to see in Gaim is less of this and more actively chasing the secret society, you know what I mean?
Even though he lost his driver, he still fights! Ain't he cool? And of course there's Haruto, the main man, the final hope, the last stand against Gremlin and his evil plans! Oh wait, didn't he sulk for about half the show? And then when the other riders are about to get defeated he just ups and kills Gremlin? What the fuck was that for? You should learn something from Minami Koutaro, bastard!
Oh look, my father just died. Better go revenge his death. All within the last 10 mins!
Not that I'm dissing Haruto, he was great and all, but man. That's just... wow! I can't think of words to say right now. Maybe it's for dramatic entry, or cinematography, or just for the wow factor.
Yup, I'm still not impressed. So what I would like to see in Gaim is less of this and more actively chasing the secret society, you know what I mean?
Dragons: Defenders of Berk Season Premier thoughts
Spoiler FREE!!!
Okay. So I have watched the premier episode of HTTYD's Dragons: Defenders of Berk and I must say, I am impressed. I have been an avid fan of the series, and the movies, and I can't wait to see the new HTTYD movie, but hey, that's just me.
After watching it, I can feel that at last something is going on. I did like the first season, but I feel like it was the first episodes of Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn! There really is no story going on and it's just to introduce new characters taken from the book.
Okay. So I have watched the premier episode of HTTYD's Dragons: Defenders of Berk and I must say, I am impressed. I have been an avid fan of the series, and the movies, and I can't wait to see the new HTTYD movie, but hey, that's just me.
After watching it, I can feel that at last something is going on. I did like the first season, but I feel like it was the first episodes of Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn! There really is no story going on and it's just to introduce new characters taken from the book.
Yes, I am looking at you, Alvin. You and your whispering death
Not that it's a bad thing. But I'm hoping that this season will be darker, since that's what I really loved about the movie. Not the comedy, not the love story, but the dark overtones of the story, little as they may be.
Cringe at the thought. Cringe at the thought of the kiss.
Okay. So the romance isn't that bad, and it's still a better love story that twilight (that's an old joke, isn't it?) but I just love the dark theme that's been surrounding this episode. So I'm keeping my hopes up, because at last the story turns dark.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Top Ten Gadgets and Weapons from TV and Movies
Ok. So after scouring the internet for about 10 mins. I haven't seen a blog with this topic. There are so many gadgets and weapons, especially in Sci Fi, there's just too many to count. So off I go with my top 10 gadgets and weapons seen in movies and TV. I'm not gonna get into technicalities just to keep this interesting
7. Ronon Dex's Particle Magnum (Stargate Atlantis)
Now this. This is a weapon. All of those SG Atlantis fans will be able to recognize this gun at a glance. This gun was originally from the Travellers, and the show didn't explain how Ronon got one, but I am glad that he did. This thing saved Sheppard's team on more occasions than I care to count. Between this and the similar "phasers" from Star Trek, this is definitely more bad ass.
10. Toothless' Tail (How to Train your Dragon)
Who says that gadgets have to be high tech? Although in contrast to the technology in the movie, Toothless' tail fin is pretty high tech. As far as I know, toothless' tail fin has six settings, depending on how the wind blows, literally. I like this because anytime you can turn a dragon into a sort of motorcycle, that's a freaking genius, which Hiccup is.
9. Fusion Swords (Final Fantasy VII Advent Children)
Ahh... A fine weapon indeed. Complicated, Puzzling, Complex, and Deadly. I like this sword a lot when it was shown in FFVII AC. At least it gave the Cloud's omnislash some nice upgrades.
8. Lightsaber (Starwars)
Star Wars lightsabers have always fascinated me. They can cut through almost anything with ease, and the fighting style they incorporate when using this thing is just ridiculous. This thing is so bad ass that even VADER has one. Nuff said.
7. Ronon Dex's Particle Magnum (Stargate Atlantis)
6. Tesla Gun (Warehouse 13)
We've seen a lot of electricity dispersing weapons. But this thing takes the cake. The tesla gun is very cool in my opinion. A bit of steampunk design, a very cool origin story and it shoots electricty. What's not to love? Oh yeah, its got a longer range than a taser.
5. Goauld Teleport Rings (Stargate)
There's something about a stationary teleport pod that gets to me. I don't what it is but I just do. The goauld rings is archaic in regards that it looks like an old technology if you compare it to technology from the Ancients or the Asgards. So very wicked cool.
4. K-9 (Doctor Who)
I like robots. I just do. There so many of them that I can't mention all of them. I also love dogs. So imagine my delight when I saw him. K-9, the loyal, smart tin dog that has accompanied the doctor on more than one occasion. He is so very freaking cool. He can do so many things, maybe even more than R2D2. And that's saying something. I just love K-9, and that's why he's on this list.
3. Neuralizer (Men in Black)
Wanna forget something? Then here's your solution. A free memory wipe whenever you need it. Something hurts? Neuralize. Something you wanna forget? Neuralize. You saw something on the internet you want to unsee? Neuralize. But seriously, there's so much applications for a memory wipe gadget that this is actually a must have.
2. Stargate (Stargate)
The stargate series revolves around this thing. Stepping into the water like field will almost instantaneously transport you to a new world. Isn't that amazing? Just step into it and BOOM! Makes you wanna sing "a whole new world" over and over again.
And the number 1 gadget in TV and Movies is:
1. Sonic Screwdriver (Doctor Who)
What's with the surprise? You should have seen it coming. "It's harmless. It doesn't maim. It doesn't kill. But you know what its good at? It's good at opening doors." This statement is the very basics of what the sonic screwdriver can do. As the Doctor's signature gadget. It's got a lot of revisions, and a lot of uses. This thing is just one of the things that make Doctor Who a great show. Its a medical scanner, alien scanner, lockpick, remote control, and many other things, all in one. This thing is like a high tech swiss blade, and until now it still continues to amaze me. The greatest gadget of them all, indeed.
You think something should be in here? Or something in here should not be? Comment below!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Rant Off - Comics vs Manga/Anime Fanboying
So this is my very first Rant Off. This posts will feature a rant about the things that I have come to hate in the world.
Fanboying. This word should be added to the dictionary. Right now. Since the dawn of modern entertainment, there have been fanboys that worship their idol anime characters or artists or comicbook heroes. They think that that their idols are the best at what they do and that nobody would beat them.
I mean, look at this picture. LOOK AT IT!
On the surface, it looks like superman is winning, right? But the real context is that Goku is yet to become a super-saiyan, which basically means Superman is fucked up, right? I'll get to the point in a short while, but let's take a look at another example
.Now let's take a look at the comments to this picture
Really? The strongest one there is? WTF akijfabslfhjasbfnloFBKLISJA,IFHJAS
Sorry, my face dropped to the keyboard for a moment there. But do you see what's going on? It's fanboying to the extreme! To these people, it's like there's no other one greater than their idols!
You see, I hate it when people throw reason out of the door when it comes to their favorite. Just to show you what they think, Ask a person who's crazy about dragon ball the "Superman or Goku" question, and you'll hear the "Holy Grail" of their answers. Just for the fun of it, I'll make a few rebuttals of that one statement (within reason, of course).
"OhmiGOD! How can you compare those two? Goku can destroy an entire planet! With a single KAMEHAMEHA!!!1!!!11!!! Superman's NOTHING!!!! HOW DARE YOU MO**ER*U*K*** B**C*"
Really? Nothing? So Goku can destroy an entire planet and you say Superman's nothing. Now that's what I call ignorance. And the worst thing is that the Goku fanboys usually start the flame war. Usually
First off, if its a planet shattering Kamehameha your worried about, not to worry Superman has survived way worse. Don't believe me, just search for this one little feat of durability so you can make sure.
1) He survived a supernova. I should just stop with that, but really, I should just stop with that. Superman has probably survived more planetary explosions than Goku died in, so you should get my point.
Let's face it, Goku is more known for his Kamehamehas and Energy Balls rather than his physical strength. He's strong, I know, but not as strong the the Man of Steel.
Superman's speed and perception were so fast that it got to the Flash's level. To the point where time seemed to stop. Let's see Goku do that.
I'm not fanboying Superman here, I'm just putting a little reasoning to those knuckleheads that think they can compare anime/manga with comic books. When you fanboy something, please remember that something/someone can destroy your idols. They are not invincible, so please stop it, cause it's embarassing.
I mean, I fanboy all the time, but I know when something is greater than the thing I fanboy about. Like this guy:
This, is pokemon #212, Scizor. He's a great pokemon, I fanboy about him a lot, but I know he's not invincible. He fainted more times on my team than I can count, I know he's x4 weak to fire, but he's still the one of the best there is for me. See, I fanboy, but within reasoning. Unlike those idiots who say that Justin Bieber is the next Michael Jackson.
So that's the moral of the story. You can fanboy about whatever you want, but please stay within limits of reason, cause you're just embarassing yourself. Thank you.
Fanboying. This word should be added to the dictionary. Right now. Since the dawn of modern entertainment, there have been fanboys that worship their idol anime characters or artists or comicbook heroes. They think that that their idols are the best at what they do and that nobody would beat them.
I mean, look at this picture. LOOK AT IT!
On the surface, it looks like superman is winning, right? But the real context is that Goku is yet to become a super-saiyan, which basically means Superman is fucked up, right? I'll get to the point in a short while, but let's take a look at another example
Really? The strongest one there is? WTF akijfabslfhjasbfnloFBKLISJA,IFHJAS
Sorry, my face dropped to the keyboard for a moment there. But do you see what's going on? It's fanboying to the extreme! To these people, it's like there's no other one greater than their idols!
You see, I hate it when people throw reason out of the door when it comes to their favorite. Just to show you what they think, Ask a person who's crazy about dragon ball the "Superman or Goku" question, and you'll hear the "Holy Grail" of their answers. Just for the fun of it, I'll make a few rebuttals of that one statement (within reason, of course).
"OhmiGOD! How can you compare those two? Goku can destroy an entire planet! With a single KAMEHAMEHA!!!1!!!11!!! Superman's NOTHING!!!! HOW DARE YOU MO**ER*U*K*** B**C*"
Really? Nothing? So Goku can destroy an entire planet and you say Superman's nothing. Now that's what I call ignorance. And the worst thing is that the Goku fanboys usually start the flame war. Usually
First off, if its a planet shattering Kamehameha your worried about, not to worry Superman has survived way worse. Don't believe me, just search for this one little feat of durability so you can make sure.
1) He survived a supernova. I should just stop with that, but really, I should just stop with that. Superman has probably survived more planetary explosions than Goku died in, so you should get my point.
Let's face it, Goku is more known for his Kamehamehas and Energy Balls rather than his physical strength. He's strong, I know, but not as strong the the Man of Steel.
Superman's speed and perception were so fast that it got to the Flash's level. To the point where time seemed to stop. Let's see Goku do that.
I'm not fanboying Superman here, I'm just putting a little reasoning to those knuckleheads that think they can compare anime/manga with comic books. When you fanboy something, please remember that something/someone can destroy your idols. They are not invincible, so please stop it, cause it's embarassing.
I mean, I fanboy all the time, but I know when something is greater than the thing I fanboy about. Like this guy:
This, is pokemon #212, Scizor. He's a great pokemon, I fanboy about him a lot, but I know he's not invincible. He fainted more times on my team than I can count, I know he's x4 weak to fire, but he's still the one of the best there is for me. See, I fanboy, but within reasoning. Unlike those idiots who say that Justin Bieber is the next Michael Jackson.
So that's the moral of the story. You can fanboy about whatever you want, but please stay within limits of reason, cause you're just embarassing yourself. Thank you.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Movie Trailers September Edition
So, this is the start of my Tech blog, and I want to show you guys something that's really close to my heart...
So yeah, there's gonna be some awesome movie trailers for 2014. A lot of the movies I liked are nerdy so please bear with me.
First up is How to Train your Dragon
Now, you might not know this but I was a huge fan of How to Train your Dragon. I haven't read the book, but the internet told me there was some significant changes from the book to the film. I'm not gonna tell you what it is because of spoilers. Search for it yourself!
Now, I have the movie, the short films, and the whole Riders of Berk season 1. Still waiting on season 2 to be released(sometime in October) and finally, the movie.
Now, about what I think of the teaser trailer.
There's not much to say about this, cause it's a teaser trailer and all, but I still like it. Hiccup seems to have perfected a gliding suit(Very useful for fleeing from Alvin and the Outcasts if he got separated from Toothless in combat). And it's freaking awesome! Hiccup's genius seems to have gone up a notch since HTTYD 1 and I freaking love it. From what I've researched, the movie plot seems to be placed five years in the future. And he pulls a Neville Longbottom on us. Can't wait to see how Astrid looks like. So all in all, I'm stoked about the movie and I hope you are too.
Next Up: Robocop(the reboot)
I have watched the original 3 Robocop movies, and this one seems to excite me a bit. His origin story seems to be different from the original. I'm not gonna go into specifics so go watch the original. His wife knows he became a cyborg, he knows from the start that he's Alex Murphy, and he's black.
Now to character design. He still looks awesome, there's still the iconic Robocop look, but black. Oh, and he doesn't ride a standard police car anymore, he rides a motorcycle, which is cool, by the way. But now he looks like a Kamen Rider.
Here's a shot of Robocop in his motorcycle
And here's a shot of Kamen Rider Black with Road Sector
See what I mean?
Anyway, the trailer's awesome, and I'm gonna watch it. How about you?
So there, the movie trailers that I'm definitely gonna watch this coming 2014
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